Electricity is an essential part of our everyday lives. That’s all the more reason that it’s so annoying when we experience issues. We’ve all been there, whether it’s a flickering light, a tripped breaker or a blown fuse. Here are ten of the most common electrical problems, so that you can diagnose them and act accordingly.

Circuit Breaker Trips Often

Ever run your clothes dryer or hair dryer only to shut off power to one part of the house? That’s where circuit breakers come in. When too many items demand electrical power on a circuit and overload it, a circuit breaker will shut off the power. This keeps the circuit from overheating and protects your home. When this happens, you need to unplug what you are using, check the breaker and flip it back to the “on” position while slowly and gradually re-applying your usage.

Electrical Shock

An electrical shock is usually the result of a faulty appliance or wiring issues with the circuit. You can switch out the appliance to see if that fixes the issue. If not, it’s best to check with an electrician. More than likely you have a fault in your grounding system which could be very hazardous.

Flickering Light

A light that flickers may be loosely connected. Try screwing it in until it is secure. It could also be that the light simply needs replacing. Check with a few different bulbs, but always make sure the light switch is turned off before replacing it. Another possible issue is that the switch has become faulty and the wiring terminations have become loose. If this is the case, a new switch will be required.

Flickering Lights When Wind Is Blowing

This is different from the above because all lights in your house are flickering. This is most likely a problem with the outside weatherhead, where power lines come into the house from the electric company. An unsecured weatherhead can reveal frayed wiring issues. When the wind blows and moves the weatherhead, it moves the frail wires. This is an issue where it’s usually best to trust the professionals. A reliable expert from CMC Electric can quickly diagnose, and safely fix, the issue. This is an issue that needs to be dealt with immediately as it can quickly lead to disastrous effects.

Not Enough Outlets

When wall outlets are lacking, 16 gauge extension cords can be used as a temporary fix. Extension cords smaller than 16 gauge can overheat, and become a fire hazard. It’s best to install additional outlets. The pros at CMC Electric are able to repair and install new outlets to keep your home safe, and convenient. An even better precaution is to use 14 gauge or 12 gauge extension cords. While they are more expensive, they will not heat up as fast or as much and could be the deciding factor in a major issue.

Outlet Doesn’t Hold a Plug

Plugging something into an outlet only to have it fall out is definitely annoying and a sign of a faulty outlet. In this case, the receptacle is worn and needs replacing.

Dead Outlet

This could just be a tripped breaker. If not, there’s probably a connection issue along the circuit. When in doubt, it’s often best to call an electrician to check it. Also, check to make sure all GFCI receptacles are not in a tripped position.

Light Bulbs Burn Out Frequently

This could be caused by a loose connection along the circuit or in the light socket. If the light is recessed, it could be overheating due to nearby insulation or a faulty thermostat that is built into recessed lighting. Although recessed lights should shut off, it’s best to have an electrician look into it. Another common issue is the neutral conductor in your electrical system. If so, experience issues with your system, it is best to get on the phone with your trusted hometown electrician, CMC Electric.

Ungrounded Receptacle

An ungrounded receptacle has two prongs. Grounded receptacles have two prongs plus a round hole. Modern homes have grounded receptacles, which discharge electricity safely in the case of lightning strikes or unexpected problems with an appliance.

No CFCI Receptacles

A ground-fault circuit-interrupter receptacle monitors the flow of electricity from an appliance to the receptacle. If there is an imbalance, the CFCI receptacle will shut off the power. For example, water splashes onto your hair dryer and causes a short circuit. The CFCI receptacle should detect this and shut off the power before you get shocked or worse.

These are just some of the common electrical problems that you’re likely to experience. Once you know what the problem is, you’re on your way to being able to solve it. Speak to the friendly electricians at CMC Electric to solve your power issues today.

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