If there’s one thing we all know from spending a lot more time in our houses lately, it’s that our homes are our sanctuaries. This is why feeling comfortable and secure in your own house is a necessity, and why our experienced electricians at CMC Electric offer all the services you need to ensure your power stays on and your family stays safe. One of the best ways to improve the safety level on your property is to install motion and security lighting, allowing you to experience greater convenience and peace of mind. Keep reading to learn the top 5 reasons to install motion sensor security lights, and make sure to call our skilled team at CMC Electric for all your essential electrical services.

The Top 5 Reasons to Install Motion Security Lighting Are:

  1. Protection Against Crime: For many people, installing motion-sensor security lighting is all about creating a crime deterrent. With security lighting from CMC Electric, you will sleep soundly knowing that if any unwanted guests step on your property, the lights will come on to alert you and scare them away.
  2. Greater Energy-Efficiency: Having full-time security lights can cost a lot of money, and turning your lights on and off every time you need to go outside is a waste of energy. With motion-activated lighting, you will receive the exact amount of light you need, right when you need it.
  3. More Convenience: Having to fumble around while you take the dog out or bring the garbage to the curb at night is a pain. Consider installing motion lighting, and enjoy an automatic light source you won’t even have to think about.
  4. Safer Entry: In addition to leaving your house in the dark, motion lighting is more convenient when you’re coming home at night, too. Whether taking in a huge bag of groceries or getting dropped off by your Uber after you’ve had a few at the bar, avoid trips and falls, and keep safe with motion-sensor security lights from CMC Electric.
  5. Wider Range: Motion security lighting can shine on parts of your property that other lights simply won’t reach. For the most comprehensive lighting at night, you should go with a sensor-activated security light system.

For more information on security lighting, call anytime at (919) 246-4798, or click here to request service online.

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